W-L-T 0-0-0
Win % .000
Avg Finish
Ranking Points 0
Avg Runs Scored 0.00
Avg Runs Allowed 0.00
Avg Runs Difference 0.00
Runs Scored 0
Runs Allowed 0
vs. Classes
# Player Roster Age Status
1 Braedon Gaines 13 and 5 months Active
4 Corbin Padgett 13 and 3 months Active
7 Jaxon Griffin 13 and 7 months Active
10 Cam James 12 and 11 months Active
11 Tyce Gaebler 12 and 11 months Active
12 Paxton Johnson 12 and 0 months Active
16 Kipton Walden 13 and 1 month Active
19 Micah Sells 12 and 11 months Active
42 Harrison Brownlee 12 and 11 months Active
Name Role
Chris Padgett Head Coach

This team is not registered for any upcoming Game 7 events.