W-L-T 0-0-0
Win % .000
Avg Finish
Ranking Points 0
Avg Runs Scored 0.00
Avg Runs Allowed 0.00
Avg Runs Difference 0.00
Runs Scored 0
Runs Allowed 0
vs. Classes
# Player Roster Age Status
0 Duke Kirkman 10 and 8 months Active
1 Beau Alkire 10 and 1 month Active
7 Kellen Lankford 9 and 10 months Active
8 Brooks Romine 10 and 6 months Active
11 Jackson Wilczewski 10 and 3 months Active
12 Graham Laurie 10 and 6 months Active
30 Thomas Harwell 9 and 9 months Active
56 Brooks Longwell 9 and 4 months Active
77 Jace Scott 10 and 8 months Active
99 Roman Montileone 9 and 10 months Active
Name Role
Eric Lankford Head Coach
Branson, MO | Ballparks of America
Apr 25-27
Registered Teams: 66
8U | 10U | 11U | 12U | 13U | 14U
Macks Creek, MO | Ballparks National
May 30 - Jun 1
Registered Teams: 40
8U | 9U | 10U | 11U | 12U