# Player Roster Age Status
2 Ryan Watkins 10 and 2 months Active
4 Brian Botkin 10 and 0 months Active
10 Evan Miller 10 and 4 months Active
17 Sawyer Narup 10 and 0 months Active
19 Kellan McKenna 9 and 8 months Active
22 George Wehnes 10 and 5 months Active
24 Luke McNutt 10 and 8 months Active
27 Malcolm Sandvos 10 and 1 month Active
32 Preston Stacy 10 and 0 months Active
46 Jaden Matlock 10 and 2 months Active
60 Noah Greenman 9 and 9 months Active
99 Anthony Fitzgerald 10 and 8 months Active
Name Role

This team is not registered for any upcoming Game 7 events.