St. Charles County, MO

Multiple Venues - Click on Event

Mother's Day Classic

May 7-9, 2021


All games have been canceled today.

Awards will be issued to the 1st & 2nd Place teams in each age division based on Pool Play Standings.

Happy Mother's Day!!

Select Division

# Team W-L-T RA RD PTS
1 Klutch Baseball (Delcourt) 2-0-0 8 7 930
2 Alpha Squad (Adams) 1-1-0 6 6 970
3 Midwest Rebels 10U (Grosch) 1-1-0 13 6 170
4 Hawks 1-1-0 21 -5 810
5 Bandits Baseball (Hepperman) 0-2-0 26 -14 410